Boat Monitoring
In the Sensar Marine app, you'll have a full overview of the state of your boat, at all times. The sensors in the Boat Monitor unit routinely send data to the app, meaning it will have current and historical data for each tracked system.
Scroll down to learn more about each system that Sensar Marine watches in your boat.

- The system supports both 12V and 24V (measurable levels: 0V - 30V)
- You will be notified if the house battery crosses the following levels:
- Warning battery level: 12.2 V / 24.4 V
- Alarm battery level: 11.9 V / 23.8 V
- The system supports both 12V and 24V (Measurable levels: 0V - 30V)
- You will be notified if the start battery crosses the following levels:
- Warning battery level: 12.2 V
- Alarm battery level: 11.9 V
Bilge Pump
- The Boat Monitor will keep track of the activity of the bilge pump. In the app, there is a graph where you can get an overview of when the bilge pump has been on and off, and for how long it was running.
- You can activate and deactivate SMS notifications based on bilge pump status as you see fit.
Water Level in Bilge
- The Bilge Sentry sensor measures the water level in the boat's bilge and sends alerts if the water level is too high.
- You will be notified if the water level crosses the following levels:
- Warning water level: 4 in.
- Alarm water level: 5.5 in.
Only available to customers with Bilge Sentry
Temperature in Bilge
- One of the temperature sensors is placed in the lowest section of the Bilge Sentry, and measures the water temperature in the bilge.
- Measured levels for the bilge temperature is between -4°F and 140°F
- You will be notified if the water temperature in your keel drops to the following levels:
- Warning threshold: 34°F
- Alarm threshold: 28°F
Only available to customers with Bilge Sentry
- The second temperature sensor is placed at the top of the water module, and measures the air temperature in the engine cavity.
- Measured levels for the air temperature is between -4 °F and 140 °C
Only available to customers with Bilge Sentry
GPS Position
- The integrated GPS antenna will give you real-time information on the position of the boat, based on connections to all available satellites in the area.
- You can share the current position of your boat at any time via Google Maps.
- GeoFence is a service that notifies you if the boat leaves a specific area around your boat. This is a fully automatic function, where the GeoFence will be activated after the boat has been still for longer than 15 minutes. The “fences” are virtual borders around the boat (roughly 100-150 yard circle around the boat), and if the boat leaves this area, Sensar Marine will send an immediate notification.
- You can activate and deactivate this function as you see fit in the app.
- Trips record automatically every time you use your boat - no need to press record.
- Visualize every trip with your boat in the last three months. You can go back in your trip log to see your tracked history.
- See when your boat has been used in the calendar or list views.
- See detailed information for individual points on your trip, giving details on...
- Speed and course
- Impact in G-forces
- Time and location
- The Boat Monitor has an integrated accelerometer that measures G-forces, the force of gravity.
- The system tracks G-forces that the boat is continuously experiencing. When the boat is calmly at the dock or on still water, you will see a stable measure of 1G. When the boat has been in use or is out in a storm, the app will display the impact the boat is experiencing.
- Measured G-forces: 0g to 8g
Always On
- The Boat Monitor is constantly running and continually analyzing sensor data. If a system reaches a warning or alarm level, or if your GeoFence is broken, you'll promptly receive an SMS message about what needs your attention, as well as a data update in your app.
- Even if there is no warning or alarm, routine data uploads are made to the app every 4 minutes while the boat is in use. For boats not in use, to conserve power the monitor will automatically extend the time between routine updates.
- The Boat Monitor has a maintenance-free, internal battery
- To avoid parasitic draw, it charges anytime the boat is in use or connected to shore power.
It can operate independently of your boat for over 50 days.